Saturday, February 20, 2016

YES to the “Un” by Dr. Tiffany Mikia Stubbs

Dear 20 year old Tiffany:

You spent a decade, apologizing when people didn’t understand you….you poured out, when you really needed rest. So, it’s no wonder that you find yourself:
“unmasked and unidentified in this abyss of unexplained emotions.” I’m most grateful that you heeded the instructions of you big sister, to read,
“THE BEST YES: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands”.
Although it took you days, months, and even a year before you indulged in the initiation of your journey to becoming relentlessly free, unbound to people’s demands, I’m so proud and also currently benefitting from your courage. I remember your epiphany vividly, as night after night you vigorously read through “The Best Yes,”  by Lysa Terkeurst”.  Do you remember, how you felt, when the words begin to illuminate your situation and you felt like yes, my ignition is back on….I’m going after this!  I will ““Find that courageous yes. Fight for that confident no.”   At that moment reading that powerful quote, you understood how essential it was to making boundaries with people, so that you could get out of “yes, because you felt bad,  and not saying “no” because you were plagued with guilt. I’m most enthusiastic at your progress. I have seen you actively decided to act on your courageous YES and fight for that confident no, so in doing that, you have learned to embrace power of the prefix “un”…..
YES to being unapologetic, unavailable and unsure…

Your journey is remarkable and I love to see your progress, as you courageously stand to say, YES, I’m unapologetically myself,  I don’t have to apologize for my personality, my choice of style or even when people don’t understand me.  That all is well, because as written in Psalms 139:14, I give praises to my Heavenly Father for making me….. “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous—and how well I know it. Psalms 139:14 (TLB)

Yes to being unavailable, you can’t be available to everyone all the time. I see you learning, slowly but surely, that God calls you to rest. It’s in the moments of your resting, you hear HIM most succinctly. I’m marveled and proud of how you evolved to saying, yes to being unsure, that in essence, It’s okay to make a decision, without knowing all of the ins and outs of the process, but trusting in that GOD’s leading you and it all works for your good (Romans 8:28).  So there you stand with your COURAGEOUS YES!! Yes to being unapologetically Tiffany, free to be unavailable without the attachment of feeling guilty and chained to others’ demands and expectations….and lastly, yes to being unsure of your limited vision to see how GOD is working behind the scenes, molding you through your process so that you can emerge fully equipped to receive all of my prophetic promises!
— Signed Yours Truly,
The 30 Year Old Tiffany :-)
Unapologetically Free
Dr. Tiffany Mikia Stubbs


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey!! I struggle saying yes when I can't see all the details of a situation. However, as you pointed out, God is in control!! He will iron out the details provided I have faith in Him to do so!!! Thank you for that gentle reminder❤️

  2. Thank YOU SO much!!! This really encouraged me!
