Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Yes to Failing First by Carla DuPont Huger

Cooking. UGH! Cooking has been the bane of my existence. Anyone who knows me
knows that I cannot cook. My mother’s mother passed away when she was nine and as a single mother who was very active in the community, we were rarely home for dinner. My father is a chef de jour, but when I visited him, he said I was on vacation. Either way, I didn’t get the gene or the lessons.

It never really appealed to me, the whole cooking thing. You slave over a hot stove for
what seems like hours and hours of stirring, mixing, chopping and seasoning. It seemed like too much. Then I had my son. I wanted to be able to cook for him, but could not even put together five meals. I tried a little bit, but the meat wouldn’t be cooked all the way and, of course the side dishes were always overdone. I gave up. To me, not being able to cook represented a huge failure; one I didn’t know how to overcome.

Having a conversation with my father one day, I admitted to him the reason I couldn’t
cook was because of my failures. He laughed and said, “I wish you knew how much food I messed up. The only way to learn is to try.” Hearing him say that as a caterer really lit my fire. From that moment on, I have been burning up something. I got a Pinterest board for recipes and cool movie night snacks to try with the kids. I try to think outside of the box so my family doesn’t get bored with breakfast or dinner. 

I am saying “YES” to being able to cook…or at least trying and not being afraid to put salt, ketchup and sriracha on the table when I’m done. Salt, ketchup and sriracha make
everything taste better.


  1. Great post Carla! I too can relate to struggling with cooking. Being creative and cookie when I am not in a rush has helped me. Thank Goodness for Father's encouragement. Yes to cooking!

  2. Congratulations to saying "yes" to this new cooking endeavor!! Cooking can definitely be intimidating however with practice and patience, you'll be creating your own signature delicacies in no time!!! Best of wishes!!!

  3. I love it! The food that has come out of my kitchen has been wonderful and terrible all in the same week. I've made muffins that could act as weapons they were so hard. I love the experimentation of the kitchen. The kitchen has NO RULES. Cook on! (Skinnytaste.com is a great site for healthy fun recipes).
