Friday, February 19, 2016

Yes to God’s Purpose For My Life by Phylicia Joi Morgan

            As far as I can remember, for some reason I always like going to see my pediatrician.  Everyone was so nice and I knew they were there to help me. Before attending high school, my dad gave me the book “Gifted Hands” by Dr. Ben Carson to read.  Dr. Ben Carson then became my first famous role model and one of the reasons I knew I could be whatever I wanted, no matter the obstacles ahead.  I attended a catholic high school and community service was required.  I decided to call my pediatric office and asked if they let high school students volunteer. To my surprise, they did, and I was able to work in the business office.  I mostly did filing of charts and learned how billing was performed.   Later my first job was in the summer of my 10th grade year through the Division of Youth Service (DYS).  This program was offered through the city of Birmingham, AL.  This summer program was to prepare students for job interviews and certain work ethics.  We had to find our own job and where did I go? Yes, back to my pediatrician office.  Since I had volunteered in the business office during community service I was now able to help triarge with the nurses.  Unknowingly I was learning my way around the office. 

            Later I went on to college to major in Biology at Tuskegee University.  I took a KAPLAN MCAT course after graduating but my score wasn’t high enough for entrance into medical school.  I later deviated from my path and thought maybe I will try a master’s in nutrition and it would be a GPA booster for my entrance into medical school.  I could go to school for free and get paid for my research.  So, I went back to Tuskegee where I did extensive research with a thesis entitled “"Fresh and Freeze-Dried Purslane Extracts Anti-Proliferative Effects on Human Prostate and Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines".  I then decided to apply for the Anesthesiologist Assistant program toward the end of my graduate year at NOVA Southeastern University in Florida.  The program requires that you shadowed an anesthesiologist, anesthesiologist assistant, or a nurse anesthetics (NA) for so many hours. I then realized that was not for me when I asked the NA what was the worst thing about her job and she replied you can put a person to sleep but don’t know if you can wake them up.  That scared me and made me realize I didn’t want that to be on my conscious.

             So, after completing graduate school I came home to shadow both of my Pediatricians, who had played influential roles in my life as my doctors and role model.  They gave me so many opportunities to see every aspect of their office, Metro Pediatrics.  I didn’t realize until shadowing, how having the background in nutrition was an added bonus to my dream of becoming a future pediatrician until that doctor made it known to me and her patients.  So I eventually went to my job that I had right after undergrad, in a lab called BioLife Plasma services testing plasma for different diseases.  After taking the MCAT again for the second time but with a different study method, that improved my score but not quite, I was feeling defeated.

            Then a really good friend connected me with an individual that went to a Caribbean medical school.  After I spoke with that person I decided to do my own research and applied to International American University (IAU) Medical College, where I got accepted. My dream of becoming a pediatrician was not deferred but only delayed.  The delay only prepared me for the greatest challenge ever, MEDICAL SCHOOL in a FOREIGN Country.  So it seems that all I had to do was fully commit to what I really wanted to do and when I did I said yes to everything.  YES, to moving to a foreign country.  Yes, to leaving family and friends.  Yes to leaving my comfort zone.  Yes to leaving a 9 month relationship for it to only end badly within 3 months of me being on the island while they were in the States.  Yes to obtaining an online master’s degree in Heath Care Administration while in medical school.  I said Yes to meeting and learning about different cultures, religions, and backgrounds.  I said yes to a new set of friends and family that don’t look like me.  My life has been forever changed and I will never forget my experience living in St. Lucia.  I have Tuskegee University to thank for preparing me for difficult and challenging situations living in a 3rd world country.   I am now done with all of my medical school courses and studying for USMLE Step 1 as a 3rd year medical student.  Fast forwarding to today I have said Yes to love and trust, with someone who supports me and understand the importance of this journey to me.  With that breakup I had starting medical school I figured not again on this journey to my dream, but God saw differently.  You will take your journey for your dream alone because it’s your destiny, but only few can endure your journey challenge with you.  My favorite quote and story of my life it seems, is “the race is not given to the swift but the one that endures it”.  I am an OVERCOMER!!!


  1. I’ve had my share of bitter experiences. Several years ago, my life as I knew it was shattered. I lost nearly everything I cared about. The pain was excruciating. I felt betrayed by God and many people I had trusted completely.  I lost confidence that if I just did my part life would be kind. Now, looking back, I think it was a call for me to grow up and lose my naiveté. Life often doesn’t  turn out the way we expect it to, but there are gifts along the way, pockets of joy, faithful friends, spiritual growth, and silver-linings in the dark clouds.

    I’m in good company.  I've learned you have to step out your comfort zone in order to grow and know your purpose in life. 

    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

    Be patient. God knows what He’s doing. God knows what is best for you. He can see the end result. You can’t. All those problems, heartaches, difficulties and delays -- all the things that make you ask “why” -- one day it will all be clear in the light of God’s love. 

    Thank you for sharing!!  I am so proud of you Joi.  Remember this: In order to fully accept God's purpose for our life we must first find God, find ourselves and all else will fall in place, but it have to be in that order.  Love you

    1. WOW! Thank you for sharing Felicia! I can so relate to your words on losing "my naivete". Yes, God wants us to be strong in him and wise. Amen to restoration of your life and dreams! Peace and Blessings.

  2. Thanks Felicia!!! You are so right with God everything will work out! I'm glad you are in good company now! You also are an overcomes!! Love u!

  3. Joi- As I ride MARTA (here in the ATL) to & from work everyday, I am surrounded by the youths that board as well bound for their destinations and am inudated with the bitter slashes of their tongues filled with harsh words as b****es & n***ers all throughout their sentences or when catching the rhymes of rap lyricist while listening to the radio or glimpsing a video penetrating from the tube, I find myself wondering which direction are they choosing when they find themselves diverged in the yellow wood (Robert Frost)?! However, I am ecstatic to see that the one you chose (apparently the one less traveled by)has taken you on a powerful & positive journey and that you should continue to Say Yes so that your time & space in this place will (continue) to enlighten the way for others! Be Blessed!

  4. Joi- As I ride MARTA (here in the ATL) to & from work everyday, I am surrounded by the youths that board as well bound for their destinations and am inudated with the bitter slashes of their tongues filled with harsh words as b****es & n***ers all throughout their sentences or when catching the rhymes of rap lyricist while listening to the radio or glimpsing a video penetrating from the tube, I find myself wondering which direction are they choosing when they find themselves diverged in the yellow wood (Robert Frost)?! However, I am ecstatic to see that the one you chose (apparently the one less traveled by)has taken you on a powerful & positive journey and that you should continue to Say Yes so that your time & space in this place will (continue) to enlighten the way for others! Be Blessed!

    1. Thanks Charlie! Yes everyone's road is different and I may just have taken the less chosen road lol but this journey I know is all for His Glory!

  5. Great read Joi!!!! Your strength and determination truly inspire me!!! Keeping saying "Yes" my friend and watch God work!

    1. Thanks friend!!!! Im grateful to have friends like you that encourage me and have stood with me in my journey!

  6. WOW! What a journey Phylicia Joi Morgan I love your tenacity and courage. I also applaud your ability to see that God can bless us in non traditional ways. I have been guilty of comparing my PhD journey to the "traditional" or "familiar" way, however in this season I am accepting that God's plans for me are specific and non comparable! I look forward to cheering you to the finish line!

  7. Ms. Phylicia Joi Morgan, I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU. Know that the path you have chosen and the journey you have taken was no mere formality. It was hand selected by God Almighty Himself. The steps of a righteous woman are ordered by the Lord.Fear is of the devil. You boldly stepped out into the unknown for one reason and one reason alone. Because u trust in God.I call that faith.Often times we make our request known to the Lord and as soon as we hit a stumbling block, we assume it must not be for us.However, u continued to work. And your work, in addition to your faith has gotten you thus far. The beauty about it all is that He's only just begun. I say YES to what God has in store for you, Yes to your doctorate, and YES to Dr. Joi Morgan Pediatric Center.

  8. Yeeeeeesssss Amos!!!!!! Man you just spoke so much!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 Wow!!!! Thanks!!!! I'm just in tears now.. Thanks!!!!

    1. The question mark are raised hands (will not show it on this end) because I receive your message
