Thursday, February 18, 2016

Saying Yes to being a Faithful Servant by Nafeesah Williams

I woke up a couple of Sunday's ago and told myself I need to get up and go to church. I had been unsuccessful prior Sundays and would find myself making excuses because of my transition in life with my marriage, work, school, kids and the list go on. So I came home early that Saturday evening and set my clothes out so I wouldn't have any excuses. When I am determined to go I usually reach out to my Bestie to hold me accountable to making it to service on time the night before.

On my way to church I realized that the service at the location where she attended had already started. Quickly the enemy tried to kick in and say don't go you are already late, or just go to another church location. I was steadfast in my decision to go ahead and go anyway regardless of whatever word I was able to hear, some is better than none.. From what I was able to receive the Pastor was sharing how it's hard to be a faithful servant at times especially when the enemy tries to step into the situation when you are being a blessing to someone in need. He tickled me because he shared how he was out helping a family and was able to put them in a hotel and provide food and there was another young lady who was in need and was upset because she wasn't able to be put in a hotel. She stated that she wasn't staying in a shelter and he explained that he didn't because she didn't have any kids. He then questioned why he even was in the ministry because of the attitude of the woman who didn't seem appreciative of the help.  God doesn't have the physical hands to do the work so he needs his children who are vessels and faithful servants to serve no matter what the outcome or situation is. It is not about us it's about what God wants to get done through us. If there are not servants who can God use to do the his work?

After church we went out to have breakfast  and some shopping therapy and really had a great time together. We left feeling empowered  as we always do and I was ready to start my week. I went to Wal-Mart and did a little shopping and saw two young ladies with pajama clothes on in the cold and their 2month old baby and 4 year old son. They asked for help and I stopped to see what they needed. My first thought was they out here hustling with these kids and to keep walking. At that very moment I heard my "YES" from God to be a faithful servant as I walked to my car to put my groceries up. I came back and  they were in shock that I returned to help them. They asked  could they get $20.00 worth of groceries and God said let them get what they need.  I prayed before I helped them because I wanted to be sure that I was fulfilling what God wanted me to do. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask and I heard God say "Be quiet and just serve". They told me their story of how they got into their position and my heart went out to them. God allowed me to help them with groceries for the week and provide shelter for their hotel. We prayed in the store after checking out and my prayer was that their days would turn around for the good and to trust in God to continue to make a way. People walked up to me and said you shouldn't have did that they using them kids, or they trying to set you up to rob you. All I could focus on was God said "YES". The feeling that I receive being a blessing to someone and obedient is priceless.  It was confirmation to move forward with my goals to help younger women get on their feet and equip them with the tools and resources to be able to do so. I thank God for obedience and being in a place to even hear a "YES" because there are times when we can easily convince ourselves to hear "NO" or simply too caught up into our own situations and life's obstacles that we miss an opportunity to be A FAITHFUL SERVANT! 


  1. Nafeesah Williams You have a spirit of resilience like no other. I attribute this to your ability to always see more in others that what meets the eye. Continue to allow God to direct your path, I look forward to being there to support you. Love you much!

  2. Thank you for sharing that beautiful experience! Even though people questioned why you chose to help those women, you decided to tap into Him and follow His commands!! That takes strength!!!! The Word says "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." Romans 12:10. You courageously showed affection and honor to perfect strangers!!! You truly are His faithful servant!!! Love u!!!

  3. Awesomeness, thank you for sharing! Continue to be obedient to God in small/big assignments!
