Sunday, February 14, 2016

Saying Yes to No by Nikki Carpenter

I yearned to be married. YEARNED. Actually, I idolized marriage. The fact that I was single and alone was a very real and present thought every single day. Since I was in relationship with God, it wasn’t long before I was convicted of having another god before Him (Exodus 20:3). Yep, the strong desire to want to be married became my God.

Ever wrestled with God? I can confidently say I thoroughly understand the saying “Your arms are too short to wrestle with God.” His will is sovereign. Period. I could either surrender to it, or choose my own will for myself. Since there’s no place in the world safer than God’s will, I chose His. I got to a place of genuinely asking God what did he have planned for my life, my love life to be specific. God told me to go on a 30 day man fast. After a few days of thinking maybe I made this up in my head, and ignoring the pull, I finally surrendered to God and embarked on a journey of not talking to any men for 30 days.

I wish I could show you the messages and phone calls I received from multiple men. I was tempted to respond to the first few, but after awhile I realized what was happening. God has placed a guard of protection around my heart, allowing me not to enter into another dead relationship, instead preserving me for the man that would become my husband. Why did I wait so long to surrender my will to God again?

Fast forward to today. I’ve found myself in PLENTY of situations where I’ve desperately wanted God to quickly say yes. However, I’m realizing my life has a unique pattern: In my ability to trust God’s “No”, I’ve realized that he’s actually saying yes to His will, which is always sovereign and sweeter.  Out of this experience has birthed my first book “When God Said Yes”, along with an e-book “The 30 Day Man Fast”, which takes women through my experience of not speaking to men for 30 days.

It may sound weird, but in saying no to my desires and accepting God’s “no” with grace, I’ve received my “yes”, and it was so worth the wait.

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  1. Thank you for sharing Tanikia Carpenter, I enjoyed your book "When God Said Yes" and look forward to rocking my ‎#BeMoreLikeChrist‬ shirt soon. I am learning that saying "No" more allows us to say "Yes" to the really important things. Thommi Odom Thank you for inviting Tanikia to blog - perfect Valentine's Day treat!

  2. Very nice! I have often felt this call to go on a fast (from certain people), seems they always end up back in my life... Still fighting that... Thanks for sharing!

  3. Very inspiring, love it! I absolutely enjoyed your book "When God Said Yes," and e-book "30 Day Man Fast." Both had some very powerful statements, made me look more deep within myself, be more diligently at guarding my heart, and realize that whomever God has for me He will allow our paths to cross. I also have your new shirt, and will be rocking it this Sunday for a reception at church #Be more like Christ
