Saturday, January 9, 2016

Invitation to 29 Days of Yes - February 2016

Happy New Year Ladies! 

I pray that everyone had a joyous and restful holiday season with family and friends!  During the holidays I had an opportunity to read Shonda Rhimes’ book, "Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person”.  The book was a fast read and nothing short of amazing! Shonda’s untraditional biography is based on the premise of saying “yes” to every offer for a “date” for an entire year.  This book speaks to women that are committed to “living their best life”.  You can purchase the book at B&N and  I listened to the Audible version, Shonda is a great narrator!
Before Thanksgiving I invited you to participate in the blogging experience based on the principles shared in the book.  If you have not yet signed up and would like to join in, please sign up for a date here by January 30th.  The link to the blog sites is  

The blog, “29 Days of Yes” will begin on February, 2016 with a story of “Yes” shared each day of the month.  The story shared can be a personal story of “Yes” or a takeaway from the book.  On the day that you sign up, you will share a short story (one to four paragraphs) on how “Saying Yes” has positively impacted your life.  Please email me a copy of your story to and I will post it.  We will share the blogs on social media to inspire and connect others.  If you have a friend or love one that would like to participate, please share this email and ask them to sign up.  Please be sure to honor your day to lead the blog by emailing your story.  

Many of you were first time bloggers and embarked on this journey two years ago with the Be Our Own Happiness Blog.  The experience was inspiring and life changing for all of those who participated and read the blogs.  Check out that blog here

This is going to be a lot of fun! Of course we all have competing priorities and possibly apprehensions around blogging and sharing.   The good news is the book is based on the premise that sometimes saying say “Yes” to something that you would normally say no to can open doors to amazing possibilities.  Let’s see how true that is together… If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email or call me (770) 861-8358. 
Have an amazing day!

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